Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 27

I DECLARE I am equipped for every good work God has planned for me. I am anointed and empowered the the Creator of the universe. Every bondage, every limitation, is being broken off of me. This is my time to shine. I will rise higher, overcome every obstacle, and experience victory like never before! This is my declaration.

I've felt challenged in my life. And it has led me to developing my spirituality, which has led me to so many wonderful people and gifts in my life.

"God can take what was meant for my harm and turn it around and use it to my advantage."

I'm on Day 27. The time has been flying by. I feel stronger. I feel full of faith. I feel excited. I feel present.

1 comment:

  1. sorry i found an double the in the text. by the way thanks a lot for this blog. it help me very much. Goid bless you.
